Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine


Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine

Special Issue: Application of new technologies and devices for rehabilitation medicine.

Dear Colleagues,

In recent years, various technologies and devices have been developed and applied to diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment in rehabilitation medicine. This Special Issue, "Application of new technologies and devices for rehabilitation medicine", aims to provide a better understanding and insight for future development of new technologies and devices in rehabilitation medicine.
In this Special Issue, we invite submissions that apply various technologies and devices, such as motion analysis, ultrasound imaging, magnetic stimulation, electrical stimulation, virtual reality, and robotics, for diagnosis, evaluation, and therapy in various pathological conditions, such as cerebral stroke, spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve palsy, and osteoarthropathy. All types of manuscripts, including Original Articles, Case Reports, and Reviews are welcome.

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts must be submitted via the journal's online peer review system, Editorial Manager, at Upon submission for the Special Issue, please choose "Yes" at the question "Is this submission for the Special Issue?" in the Additional Information part on the submission system. If you encounter any problems with your submission, please contact the Editorial Office at [].

Deadline for submissions: March 31st,2023 Closed

All submissions are peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted). We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Dr. Katsuhiro Mizuno Tokai University, Japan
Dr. Satoko Koganemaru Kyoto University, Japan
Guest Editors
Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine

Articles ( 8 )

1-18-12 Uchikanda Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan